Recollections of a student nurse from 1947 - Part 1


Our uniforms were laundered by the hospital. The loose fitting dress had tiny blue and white checks. The pinafores were in two pieces. They were stiffly starched and pressed flat, and we fastened the bib and apron together with button links and plastic studs the nights before we were to wear them. They were so stiff, they could literally stand up by themselves.

We also fastened the stiff white collar to the cotton dress, thus changing it from soft, comfortable garment to a miserable stiff binder around our necks. We rubbed bar soap around the fold of the collar where it would be next to our rubbed raw.

Next morning we crossed the pinafore straps in the back of our uniforms and fastened them to the waistband with more studs or links, and the waistband fastened in the back by the same method. Once our armour was donned, we were off for an adventure day of working and learning.


Recollections of a student nurse from 1947 - PT2