
“To all who were in Donna’s life these past two years: 

Mum/Gram arrived at the Evergreen at the beginning of the COVID lockdown in March 2020 directly from the hospital following a severe stroke.  She was confused, disorientated and more than likely, a little bit scared.  Such a huge change in her life situation at a time when it wasn't possible to prepare and ease her into this new chapter. 

But Mum/Gram was one very lucky lady - she was at the Evergreen! Over the past two years you have shown why your fantastic reputation is so well known. And that comes down to one thing - STAFF. From Karena on down, every single one of you has shown that caring for Mum/Gram wasn't just a job - you all truly cared for her quality of life and for her as a person. 

She loved you all, and especially loved how you fussed over her. We heard all about the caring (and sometimes humorous) baths, Jello fights, allowing her a little fun with the fast setting on her scooter, and of course her nickname - "Cheeky". She had a special relationship with each of you and that knowledge has been very comforting to us as a family. 

In the end, you also went above and beyond and took care of the three of us. Being able to stay in the Hospice suite with Mum/Gram is something we each treasure and has made her passing a bit easier.  Whether it was lending an ear, bringing us dinner, words of reassurance or a kind smile. You were there for us too. 

Words really just seem silly when trying to convey our appreciation for each and every one of you. Mum/Gram's last years were certainly not what any of us would have wished for, but having all of you to love and care for her means so much. It was so comforting knowing she was with you all at the Evergreen. 

Many thanks to all of you.”

— Kyra, Mikayla and Kristanna